


A Simple Method to Avoid Being Judgmental 


We are all judgmental. Yes, even you. I certainly am, many times. I think it’s human nature. And yet, while it is in our nature to be judgmental, I don’t think it’s always useful to us. We look down on others, as if we are so much better … and that creates division between people. 


5 Tips To Help You Deal With Toxic People


Sometimes it’s easy to feel like toxic people are everywhere. When I say “toxic” I’m referring to those people who always seem enmeshed in drama and negativity. They can come across as needy, manipulative, controlling, or judgmental. 




On Making Judgments and Being Judgmental


The other day my father asked me the difference between making judgments and being a judgmental person. Given how I sometimes experience my father, it was a potentially loaded question. Although he has many wonderful qualities and we are close, it certainly is the case that I (and several others) occasionally experience him as being overly judgmental. In asking me the question, it was clear that he wanted to make the point that everyone makes judgments all the time. And, if that is the case, why are only certain people accused of being judgmental? Or, to put it slightly differently, is it fair to say that I am being judgmental if I accuse my father of being judgmental? 



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