Near Death Experience


There are thousands upon thousands of stories about people floating above thier bodies while being clinically dead. Many can recount what happened in the operating room (who did what, who said what) even though their heart was no longer beating. Once resuscitated, they bring back stories of seeing loved ones that passed before them.

'Afterlife' feels 'even more real than real,' researcher says


"After being close to death, some people will report having had an out-of-body experience, having seen a bright light or being passed through a tunnel; all well-known elements of the famous Near-Death Experience,"  READ MORE

Near Death, Seeing Dead People May Be Neither Rare Nor Eerie


Beth Roncevich's father was in his last few days of life when laughter unexpectedly emerged. "He said, 'Everybody's together and we're all just having a wonderful time,'" she said......  READ MORE

'I crossed over': Survivors of near-death experiences share 'afterlife' stories


For many, the question of what happens when we die is a mysterious one — a TODAY survey found that 55 percent of people are absolutely certain there is an afterlife, 37 percent are not certain, and 8 percent are certain there isn't an afterlife. But for some who have been through near-death experiences, the question has a clear answer.    READ MORE

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