I Miss My Baby Girl

After losing her baby within hours of her being born, my client had many unanswered questions and a very large hole that was supposed to have been filled by her daughter. Carrying a baby inside for nine months creates a bond unlike any other. That bond is love and nothing can break it, not even death.

The couple was wanting another baby but felt guilt over their loss. They wondered if she would feel replaced or less loved if they had another baby. She wanted to know in her heart that her baby girl was at peace.


Through the loving kindness of Spirit, her daughter came through loud and clear with a message of never-ending love, acceptance and understanding. She was able to give them her blessings for a new child and offer them encouragement to try again. Knowing that her baby is at peace and loves her still from the other side has brought her much needed closure and a happiness for the future and her family. (Some details have been changed for privacy purposes).




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