I Miss Him Like Crazy

Losing a friend means more than not being able to see their face again. For this client she had many unanswered questions and didn’t know how to react to the way people were behaving. She was confused and wanted to defend her friend who had passed but needed some clarity. There was a group of friends that still remained together after his passing and they were all a little lost.

Through Spirit, her friend was able to come forward and tell her what he felt about the situation. He was able to give her guidance and advice, although it wasn’t what she expected to hear. Sometimes for the people that are left behind it is hard for them to comprehend when a deceased loved one can offer forgiveness and love to someone that they were enemies with in life.

With the help of Spirit I was able to help her understand that we have a limited view of life because we are unable to see the future. However, from Heaven your loved ones can see the bigger picture and can understand why things happened the way they did. Sometimes it comes to having faith that there is a greater plan that we are a part of, whether we like it or not. (Some details have been changed for privacy purposes)


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© DawnLindsay2023